Archive for the ‘News&Update’ Category

Use of Round Bales for Horses

Thursday, January 20th, 2022

Round Bale Advantages

“Using round bales as part of a feeding system has advantages. They are economical compared to traditional square bales. This is important as hay is commonly the most expensive component in the diets of mature horses,” said Kathleen Crandell, Ph.D., a nutritionist for Kentucky Equine Research. “In addition, round bales are convenient to use. This is especially true when forage must be transported through snowy and ice-covered paddocks in the dead of winter.”

However, round bales should be used appropriately to offset potential drawbacks. This includes loss of nutrients, mold growth, negative effects on the respiratory system, and waste.

“Freeze-thaw cycles may have an effect on certain nutrients, particularly organic nutrients like proteins and fat-soluble vitamins,” explained Crandell. “Other nutrients, like minerals, appear to be fairly stable even if the hay is frozen, just as long as the hay stays dry.”

Once the hay gets wet, forage quality degrades rapidly. Further, when wet hay freezes and thaws, even more damage can occur to the protein found in the hay, particularly if it is a slow thaw.

If hay gets soaked through, there will be some leaching of nutrients and nonstructural carbohydrates, just like when hay is soaked for horses with certain metabolic conditions. Fat-soluble vitamins decline as hay ages, but soaking may intensify losses.

Because of the structure of the round bale, rain does not penetrate into the inner layers. This is especially true if the bale has been tightly bound and laid on its side.

“Mold growth is another factor to consider when hay gets wet and does not dry. Mold not only affects nutrient loss but can also be toxic to the horse,” Crandell advised.

Consumption Advice

Because of the inevitable losses of nutrients, round bales exposed to the elements should be consumed in four to seven days. Depending a bit on the size of the bale (they can vary greatly in weight), four horses can usually consume a bale in this time frame. Be cognizant of each horse’s body condition score when feeding herds, and remember that if there are too many horses trying to eat from one bale there may be a problem with competition.

“When using round bales, feeding a concentrate may be necessary if the hay doesn’t provide sufficient calories for maintenance of body condition. For horses that can maintain weight with hay alone, use a research-formulated vitamin and mineral supplement or ration balancer,” advised Crandell.

Waste from large round bales can be reduced through the use of feeders. Various models are marketed to the horse industry, and dimensions of the feeders vary. Some have roofs to protect hay from precipitation. In one study that compared nine models of round-bale feeders, hay waste ranged from 5% to 33%, while waste when fed with no feeder was measured at 57%.*

*Martinson, K., J. Wilson, K. Cleary, W., Lazarus, W. Thomas, and M. Hathaway. 2012. Round-bale feeder design affects hay waste and economics during horse feeding. Journal of Animal Science 90:1047-1055.

Would you like more information about the Use of Round Bales for Horses? Contact us at J & J Hay Farms by clicking here!

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Alfalfa and a Healthy Gastric Environment in Horses

Thursday, January 13th, 2022

Alfalfa and a Healthy Gastric Environment in HorsesAlfalfa and a Healthy Gastric Environment in Horses: Experts suggest that feeding alfalfa (lucerne) reduces the incidence and severity of gastric ulcers in the upper region of the stomach, known also as equine squamous gastric disease. Alfalfa hay has a well documented buffering capacity. However, new research shows that horses in heavy work need more than alfalfa to maintain a healthy gastric environment.

About Gastric Health:

In certain circumstances, the pH of the stomach can dip as low as 1 or 2, on the pH scale of 0 to 14. This is more acidic than grapefruit or tomato juice. The lower or glandular region of the stomach produces mucus to protect the lining. The upper or squamous region, however, is far more sensitive to sloshing acid, making it prone to ulceration. All horses are at risk of developing gastric ulcers. For horses involved in training and competition, this condition is particularly prevalent.

Recognizing the widespread welfare and economic effects of equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS), Kentucky Equine Research developed several products to support stomach health. “Some of these products contain ingredients that neutralize excessive gastric acid, protecting the stomach lining by reducing acidity and providing a physical barrier due to coating properties,” said Catherine Whitehouse, M.S., a nutritionist for Kentucky Equine Research.

Altering the diet may also minimize EGUS. Nutritionists suggest:

  • Feeding diets high in fiber (at least 1.5% body weight in forage);
  • Offering stabilized rice bran or vegetable oil rather than high-starch feedstuffs for supplemental energy;
  • Feeding several meals per day when possible; and
  • Using small-hole haynets and slow feeders to make forage last through the night until breakfast.
  • Nutritionists sometimes recommend feeding alfalfa hay to help ward off EGUS. High levels of certain nutrients, including protein and calcium, reportedly help neutralize acid in the stomach.

According to Whitehouse, “The amount of calcium in alfalfa hay is often greater than 1% with a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio ranging from 3:1-6:1, whereas calcium in grass hay hovers around half that with a much tighter calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.”

Horses with high nutritional needs normally receive pure alfalfa hay. It would oversupply energy, protein, and minerals for many horses. “We typically recommend including only a portion of alfalfa in the diet and combining it with a high-quality grass hay,” advised Whitehouse.

According to a recent study:

Alfalfa pellets do not appear to buffer the stomach in heavily exercised horses as effectively as alfalfa hay might. France performed the study. It included 80 trotters from four training centers randomly divided into two groups. Horses in the control group were fed their usual diet of free-choice grass hay and pelleted concentrate. This provided 4.5 ± 1.5 g of starch per kilogram body weight per day. In the alfalfa group, the diet was the same. However, dehydrated alfalfa pellets replaced half of the pelleted concentrate. Thus providing only 2.3 ± 0.7 g of starch per kilogram body weight per day.

All horses were examined via gastroscopy. In order to to directly visualize the lining of the stomach. Ulcer scores were assigned on days 0, 21, and 42 based on a scale of 0 to 4, with 4 denoting severe ulceration. Throughout the study period no other changes in management or training were made.

At baseline (day 0), 49 of the 80 (61%) horses had either no lesions or mild ulcerations, equivalent to an EGUS score of 0, 1, or 2. The remaining 31 horses (39%) had severe EGUS with scores of 3 and 4. No significant effect of the diet on either healing or prevention of EGUS was detected at days 21 and 42.

In Conclusion:

Researchers theorized that alfalfa pellets did not provide a protective layer on top of the gastric contents as alfalfa hay or chaff does. Chaff is believed to prevent splashing of acidic gastric contents on the sensitive squamous lining of the stomach. Giving some alfalfa hay or chaff before exercise will help buffer the acid and prevent damaging acid splash in the squamous part of the stomach. Additional protection may be provided. For example, by adding a research-proven gastric buffer, such as Triacton, to a small meal 30 minutes before work.

Do you have a question about Alfalfa and a Healthy Gastric Environment in Horses? Visit J & J Hay Farms for more information!

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

*Julliand, S., M. Buttet, T. Hermange, and V. Julliand. 2021. Effect of replacing part of concentrates with pelleted alfalfa on squamous gastric ulcers in exercised trotters. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 10:103556.

Feeding Horses: Don’t Miss the Forage for the Feed

Thursday, January 6th, 2022

Feeding Horses: Don’t Miss the Forage for the FeedFeeding Horses: Don’t Miss the Forage for the Feed. Conscientious horse owners know the importance of forage. That is why many hours are spent selecting hay and caring for paddocks, pastures, and other grazing areas. In addition to forage, most horses require the nutrients found in a concentrate for optimal well-being. As a result, that concentrate is often chosen based on the forage available.

When available, how much fresh forage will a horse or pony consume?

Before we can answer this question, a horse’s total recommended feed consumption (forage and concentrate) must be known. Most healthy mature horses in moderate body weight should consume about 1.5-2% of their body weight daily. Some horses with higher energy requirements may consume as much as 2.5% of their body weight daily.

If a mature Arabian mare weighs 1,000 lb (450 kg), for example, 1.5-2% of her body weight equates to 15-20 lb (7-9 kg) of forage and concentrate combined a day. Firslty, how much of the total is forage? Secondly, how much is concentrate depends on the individual horse (age, metabolism, workload, etc.)? For most horses, the forage fraction of the diet will contribute at least 50% of daily intake but usually far more.

Forage requirements can be met through pasture, hay, and hay products, such as cubes and pellets. The contribution of pasture to a horse or pony’s nutritional requirements should not be underestimated. When given 24-hour access to pasture, mature horses may consume 2-3% of their body weight per day; adult ponies may consume 3-4% of their body weight per day but sometimes more. Mature horses and ponies can therefore satisfy their total feed requirement. Vitamin and mineral supplementation, from full-day turnout on good-quality pasture, is the exception.

What if horses are turned out for only a few hours a day? Horses are likely to consume 0.4% of their body weight for every three hours of turnout with 1-2% of body weight for full-daytime turnout. Double these values for ponies.

Many horses are offered a mixture of pasture and hay each day. With this in mind, how much hay do you offer a horse that also consumes pasture? That depends how long the horse grazes. While every horse is an individual, here’s a starting point:

  • Is your horse allowed four to eight hours of turnout on pasture? He will fulfill 25-50% of his forage requirement and will need 50-75% of his required forage when stabled.
  • Is your horse allowed eight to twelve hours of turnout on pasture? He will fulfill 50-75% of his forage requirement and will need 25-50% of his required forage when stabled.

Other factors may influence the amount of forage fed, notably caloric requirements as determined by body condition. For easy keepers, it might be necessary to use a grazing muzzle during turnout and provide a clean, mature grass hay to satisfy the majority of his forage requirement. To draw out the time it takes to consume the hay, a slow-feed haynet or similar device can be used. For the hard keeper or intensely worked athlete, free-choice access to pasture and a legume or legume-grass mix might be necessary to maintain moderate body condition.

Here’s a real-world example:

Feeding HorsesThis is Griffith, a four-year-old appendix-bred Quarter Horse gelding. He stands 16.2 (168 cm) and currently weighs 1,260 lb (574 kg).

Before arriving at his new farm, he was turned out 24/7 on average pasture with no concentrate, and he maintained his current body condition. The new boarding stable has high-quality pasture but does not offer all-day turnout. Instead, Griffith will graze four hours and will spend the remainder of his day in a stall.

He will be ridden five days a week, lightly to moderately, in preparation to become a show hunter. With hay in short supply, the barn owners want to ensure he has enough forage to fuel his work without overfeeding. Plus, excessive body condition may cause him to gain weight and place unnecessary stress on immature joints as he learns to jump. Where do you begin?

When considering forage requirements for Griffith, two things come to mind immediately: (1) he is fairly young and potentially has more growing to do, even if only a bit; and (2) he is in light to moderate work.

To fuel these two physiological endeavors and meet maintenance requirements, let’s estimate that he will consume 2% of his body weight per day in forage and concentrate combined. As stated above, if he is allowed to graze four hours on high-quality pasture, we can assume that 25-50% of his forage requirement, or 0.5-1% of body weight, will be satisfied through grazing. That leaves a balance of 1-1.5% of body weight that must be provided in hay. At his current weight, that equates to 13-19 lb (6-9 kg) of hay. Offset any nutrient deficiencies in the hay. For example, feed a balancer pellet. Do so at the rate recommended by the manufacturer.

If Griffith is unable to maintain weight on this diet, additional hay can be fed or a concentrate intended for performance horses can be introduced. A concentrate must be fed at the minimum recommended amount to fulfill protein, vitamin, and mineral requirements. If the minimum amount provides too many calories, a mix of the concentrate and balancer pellet can be fed. Fine-tuning any diet often requires a fair measure of give and take to find just the right balance for the individual.

Do you have a question about how much forage your horse or pony should consume? Visit J & J Hay Farms for more information!

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefit Foaling Mares Before Rebreeding

Thursday, December 30th, 2021

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Benefit Foaling Mares Before Rebreeding: When compared to cows, ewes, and sows, mares experience a short interval between birth and their next heat cycle. After foaling, the uterus undergoes involution. Involution is a process that reduces uterine size, repairs uterine tissues, and restores the uterine environment to a nonpregnant state. Supporting uterine involution is critical. The 11-month gestation of the mare often makes it difficult to maintain every-year foaling. Commercial breeders prefer every-year foaling. In a recent study, researchers set out to determine the effects of feeding docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 fatty acid, on uterine involution in the weeks after foaling.

The Study:

The study used eighteen pregnant mares. The mares were assigned to one of two groups. Firstly, a treatment group in which a microalgae rich in DHA was fed daily at 0.6 g/kg body weight. In addition, a control group. The treatment was fed from 90 days prior to the expected foaling date until seven days after first postpartum ovulation. Otherwise, the mares were fed similarly to maintain moderate to moderately fleshy body condition, including access to Bermudagrass pasture and a commercial concentrate at a rate of 1 kg/day (2.2 lb/day) before foaling and 2 kg/day (4.4 lb/day) after foaling.

Research ascertained reproductive health parameters. For example, through rectal palpation and ultrasonographic examination, including uterine and endometrium diameters, intrauterine fluid, uterine tone, and uterine echogenicity. Echogenicity measures the ability of a tissue to reflect an ultrasound wave.

Mares fed the DHA-rich supplement had smaller uterine horn diameters after foaling compared to control mares. Interestingly, DHA-fed mares had greater uterine echogenicity scores. Low echogenicity is generally related to increased estradiol. Estradiol induces edema and estrus behavior, so researchers expected lower scores as mares readied for rebreeding.

No treatment effects were observed for the other parameters evaluated.


Researchers concluded that “supplementation with DHA during peripartum may benefit uterine involution process and odds of early conception.”

“This research adds to the emerging volume of work that indicates omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, is a useful nutritional supplement for broodmares,” explained Catherine Whitehouse, M.S., a nutritionist with Kentucky Equine Research. Studies in other species show omega-3s have beneficial effects on reproduction. For example, by modifying prostaglandin synthesis and metabolism, and by regulating genes integral to uterine function.

“The source of omega-3 fatty acids is important. Choose a high-quality supplement that delivers DHA directly, such as marine-derived EO-3,” Whitehouse advised.

Visit J & J Hay Farms for more information on horse health.

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

10 Tips for Purchasing Horse Hay

Thursday, December 16th, 2021

Horse Hay stacks10 Tips for Purchasing Horse Hay: Most horsemen buy hay based on the type of horse being fed. The way it looks, smells, and feels also come into play. These are qualitative factors, and they are important. When appraising hay, keep in mind the following 10 points:

  • Ask for one or several bales be opened so the inside can be evaluated. Slight discoloration of hay on the outside of bales is not a concern, especially in stacked hay.
  • Avoid excessively bleached or discolored hay, or that smells moldy, musty, dusty, or fermented. Avoid hay that contains significant amounts of weeds, dirt, or other debris.
  • Choose hay that is as fine-stemmed, green, leafy, and soft to the touch as possible.
  • Check for leaf loss. If the leaves of alfalfa or clover hay fall off too easily from stems, the horse may not have a chance to eat them.
  • Examine the leaves, stems, and flowers or seed pods to determine the level of maturity. Select hay that has been baled when the plants are in early bloom (for legumes) or preferably before seed heads have fully formed in grasses.
  • Inspect hay for signs of insect infestation or disease. Be especially careful to check for blister beetles and other insects in alfalfa.
  • Reject bales that seem excessively heavy for their size or feel warm to the touch. These may contain excess moisture that could cause mold or spontaneous combustion.
  • When possible, feed hay within a year of harvest to guarantee the best nutritional value.
  • Store hay in a dry, sheltered area, or cover the stack to protect it from the elements. Allow some air circulation when covering with plastic or tarps.
  • Feed hay in a way that reduces wastage. Hay feeders or nets are useful.

Forage should form the foundation of your horse’s diet. Ensure that your horse consumes at least 1.5% of its body weight each day in forage. If possible, spread out forage consumption throughout the day. Not only will this help your horse maintain an appropriate weight but it will encourage gastrointestinal motility, which decreases the likelihood of colic.

For more Tips for Purchasing Horse Hay, visit us at J&J Hay Farms!

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

Haynet Height: Consider Comfort of Horses

Thursday, December 9th, 2021

Haynet Height: Consider Comfort of Horses. [ictured is a horse eyelevel with hayHaynet Height: Consider Comfort of Horses. Horsemanship masters and mavens of yesteryear taught their students to hang haynets high and tight. Low-slung haynets invited injury, the experts cautioned.

A resurgence in the use of haynets has occurred recently. Most frequently, as an attempt to slow hay consumption among horses on calorie-restricted diets. A high-tied haynet, however, encourages horses to crane their necks and contort their backs over a long period of time.

Habitual, unnatural postures can cause discomfort, even unsoundness. As a result, Italian researchers set out to determine the physical effects of haynet height on neck and back shape.*


“Horses and ponies seem to be quite specific in how they approach eating from a haynet,” said Catherine Whitehouse, M.S., a nutritionist with Kentucky Equine Research. “Some nibble from them, grasping pieces of hay carefully; some go in for large mouthfuls, aggressively yanking out hay. Others will headbutt the bag, leaving it swinging from its knot.”

Whatever their interaction with the haynet, Whitehouse said, changes in body position invariably occur and likely become a matter of routine.

In the study, researchers used geometric morphometrics to evaluate variations in neck and back shape relative to three specific hay-feeding positions.

Geometric morphometrics allows scientists to identify and analyze minute postural changes through the use of anatomical landmarks. Specifically, geometric morphometrics eliminates differences based on size and instead focuses on changes in shape of individuals. Hay was fed from three positions:

  • Control position. The hay was fed from the ground.
  • Low haynet position. The bottom of the haynet was level with the midpoint of the cannon bone.
  • High haynet position. The bottom of the haynet was level with the elbow.

Researchers used slow-feed haynets made from high-density polyethylene twine. The haynet openings measured about 1.5 in (4 cm).  4.5 lb (2 kg) of the usual hay horses ate filled the haynets.

There were video recordings of six mature Warmbloods. Meanwhile, they ate hay from the three different feeding positions. While eating hay at each feeding position, horses were recorded for 15 minutes.. For example, using a cellphone placed on a tripod. Most importantly, this assured a consistent perspective.


Researchers found that feeding positions affected the shape of the neck and back postures during hay consumption.

Firstly, for individual horses, these changes in shape were well defined. With the low haynet position, the back posture more closely resembled that exhibited during the control position, indicating a more natural feeding position. However, the same was not true of neck posture. Both neck and back postures changed. Most considerably, hay offered in the high position. As a result, potentially leading to problems.

“Certain haynets and feeding devices designed to encourage slow consumption have refined the level of management that can be achieved when dealing with challenging horses. For example, the chronically overweight,” said Whitehouse.

“Even though the researchers identified some changes to neck and back shape, the long-term physical effects of feeding from haynets have not been studied. Right now, the benefits seem to outweigh the potential disadvantages.”

Horses on calorie-restricted diets require optimal nutrition, and this scenario calls for a well-formulated vitamin and mineral supplement, according to Whitehouse. “Because these horses are generally fed all-forage diets, they usually miss out on the vitamin and mineral fortification provided in concentrates. Therefore, an appropriate vitamin and mineral supplement can fill in the nutritional gaps left by forage.”

Safety First:

Most importantly, for safety’s sake: in the study described above, haynets were hung low under the watchful eye of professional scientists. In an everyday situation, whether it’s in a trailer or stall, haynets should be hung at a height safe for the individual horse. Lastly, the likelihood of a horse pawing and getting its hoof caught in the haynet decreases.

In conclusion, do you have a specific question about your horse’s health or hay diets? Contact J & J Hay Farms today at 770-887-0440!

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

*Raspa, F., A. Roggero, C. Palestrini, M.M. Canavesio, D. Bergero, and E. Valle. 2021. Studying the shape variations of the back, the neck, and the mandibular angle of horses depending on specific feeding postures using geometric morphometrics. Animals 11:763:11030763.

Beet Pulp: Energy Source for Horses

Thursday, November 25th, 2021

Beet Pulp: Energy Source for Horses - a horse is feeding in a stableBeet Pulp: Energy Source for Horses: Horses with high energy demands, such as performance horses and hard keepers, frequently require concentrates to meet athletic expectations and to maintain condition.

If you’re looking to decrease the amount of high-starch concentrates, offering beet pulp can offset the need for cereal grains while supporting a healthy gastrointestinal system.

Offering concentrates fills the gap in many horse’s diets when hay alone provides insufficient calories. In some cases, the starch content of traditional sweet feeds and straight cereal grains can exceed 40% in a horse’s diet. Potentially resulting in digestive disorders when fed at high intakes.

Some horses fed these types of diets may require gastrointestinal support due to the possibility of gastric ulceration. In addition, hindgut acidosis, and even laminitis.

“Nutritional supplements containing digestive buffers help attenuate the risk of acidosis due to starch fermentation in both the stomach and hindgut. Kentucky Equine Research has several products designed to deliver high-quality ingredients with significant buffering capacity to support total digestive tract health and function,” said Catherine Whitehouse, M.S., a Kentucky Equine Research nutritionist.

Maximize Health:

To maximize gastrointestinal health while supplying adequate calories to hard-working horses, nutritionists recommend limiting the amount of starch. Even when carefully supplied, some horses cannot tolerate this amount of starch in their diet.

To add calories and offset the amount of starch fed, owners can offer vegetable oil or stabilized rice bran. Stabilized rice bran not working for a particular horse? Owners can try another “concentrate-sparing” feedstuff, beet pulp, though stabilized rice bran contains 50% more energy than beet pulp.

In terms of hindgut health specifically, beet pulp recently proved valuable in limiting hindgut dysbiosis that can occur with diets rich in starch and other soluble carbohydrates.* Dysbiosis refers to an alteration in the type and amount of bacteria in the intestinal microbiome that may lead to disease.

In the study, different diets were fed to horses. The beet pulp diet involved 50% hay, 21% barley, and 29% beet pulp. The high-starch included 55% hay and 45% barley.

When horses were fed the diet with beet pulp, the cellulolytic bacteria in the intestinal microbiome were more numerous than in horses on the high-starch diet; these beneficial bacteria break down fiber.

In addition, horses fed beet pulp also produced higher concentrations of volatile fatty acids than horses fed the high-starch diet. Volatile fatty acids produced by bacteria in the hindgut are the primary source of energy for horses.

These results suggest that replacing even a portion of the concentrate with beet pulp can limit hindgut dysbiosis without affecting energy supply. This reinforces the reality that many feeds formulated for hardworking horses contain multiple energy sources. Sources include starch, fat, and fermentable fiber. One of the most oft-used fermentable fibers is beet pulp.

In conclusion, do you have a specific question about your horse’s diet? Visit J & J Hay Farms today!

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research
*Grimm, P., V. Julliand, and S. Julliand. 2021. Partial substitution of cereals with sugar beet pulp and hindgut health in horses. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science 100:103530.



Out of Work: How to Let Your Horse Down in the Off-Season

Thursday, November 18th, 2021

Let Your Horse Down in the Off-SeasonHow to Let Your Horse Down in the Off-Season: The final show of the year is over. You drive back to the barn, unload your horse, and hang up your championship ribbon. Now you’re planning to give your horse a well-earned rest.

You know he’ll enjoy a few months out of his stall. Likely rolling in the grass and taking afternoon naps with his pasture buddies. You realize that you’ll be modifying just about everything in your horse’s day-to-day routine. How can you keep your horse healthy as he makes this change? Follow these steps for a smooth transition.

Moving from stall to pasture:

Make the switch to pasture gradually. Do this especially if your horse has been kept in the barn all or most of the time while you were actively training and showing. Start with half an hour of grazing two or three times a day. Make sure to provide plenty of hay when the horse is in the stall. Increase pasture time in half-hour increments for several days. Add an hour or two to each grazing session until the horse is able to be out all the time.

Because of the way the horse’s digestive system works, any horse relocated abruptly from stall to full pasture is at high risk for colic or laminitis. At any time during the shift, if the hooves feel warm to the touch, or the horse shows signs of pain or reluctance to move, put the horse in the stall and contact your veterinarian immediately.

Some horses are so sensitive to the sugars in grass that they can never have unlimited access to pasture. These equines can still benefit from a few months of full or partial turnout if they are muzzled or placed in a drylot with an adequate supply of hay.


To stay in show condition and perform the work he has been asked to do, your horse has probably been given top-quality hay and one or more feedings of concentrate (pellets or sweet feed) daily. Without the demands of training, he will require the same basic nutrients but will need much less energy. Ideally you can take a week or two to taper his schedule. Slowly decrease both his work and his grain ration.

Gradually switching to a balancer pellet or a vitamin and mineral supplement will supply essential nutrients without the calories found in a concentrated feed. Kentucky Equine Research has developed several vitamin and mineral supplements, including Micro-Max, available in the U.S., and Gold Pellet, Nutrequin, or Perform in Australia. Continue to give your horse whatever dietary supplements he is accustomed to, such as hoof and joint products, but check ingredients to avoid over supplementation when feeding more than one product.

You should still provide hay whenever the horse spends time in the stall. Something to munch on will alleviate boredom, keep gastric ulcers at bay, and prevent gorging on grass at the next turn-out. Free-choice access to water and salt is essential at all times.

Pasture safety:

Before turning your horse out the first time, take a quick tour of the fenceline and field to check for debris, holes, loose boards or wire, and insecure gate latches. Correct any problems before using the field. Bell boots and galloping boots can help guard against injury as the horse gets used to his freedom.

Fly spray will give a few hours of relief from insects; consider using mesh fly sheets, face masks, and leg covers for longer-lasting comfort. Changing seasons may eliminate insect problems, but horses with white faces may need sun protection year-round. Sunscreen or fly masks with muzzle extensions can prevent painful sunburn.

Hoof care:

Many people feel it is advantageous for horses to go barefoot if they are going to be inactive for several months. Will your horse benefit from having his shoes pulled? Consider these things as you make this decision.

Horses that are newly barefoot will probably be somewhat tender for a week or so until the soles begin to toughen. If possible, turn out in a field with grass or dirt rather than a rocky area. Pasture the horse with amiable companions to avoid forcing him to run or kick to defend himself.
Hoof shape will change without the support of a shoe. Probable changes include spreading of the heel, flaring in the quarters, and chipping at the toe and sides of the hoof. These changes are normal, and unless they are excessive, are nothing to worry about.

Whether the horse is shod or barefoot, basic hoof care should not change when the horse is out of work. Hooves should be inspected and picked at least daily, and the schedule of farrier visits should be maintained. Toes tend to grow faster than quarters and heels. As a result, going more than about six weeks between trimmings can change the angle of the pastern, leading to unnecessary strain on the tendons and ligaments in the lower leg.

Horses that have therapeutic shoeing for navicular syndrome, laminitis, or other hoof problems may need to remain shod. Discuss with your farrier whether to leave the idle horse shod, to remove only the rear shoes, or to pull all the shoes until the horse returns to work.
Maintain horses on a high-quality hoof supplement, if necessary, such as Bio-Bloom PS (Bio-Bloom HF in Australia).

Other management:

Even though he is not working, your horse still needs daily attention. A light grooming gives you a chance to find and treat injuries or skin conditions like dew poisoning or rain rot. Face masks and grazing muzzles should be removed at least once a day to check for rubbed areas. A regular schedule of deworming, vaccinations, and dental care should be followed just as though the horse were still in training.

A period of leisure is restful to many equines. However, certain classes of horses probably are not good candidates for more than a brief time off work. Young horses just beginning their training may forget most of what they have learned if there is a prolonged lapse in regular work, and older horses sometimes lose so much condition that it is practically impossible to return them to previous levels of fitness. If these animals need a break, consider reducing their workload for a few weeks rather than giving them a long vacation.

With minimal attention, your horse can stay healthy and will benefit from a few months off work. He’ll probably come back into training with a fresh attitude. Above all, ready to rack up more ribbons after a relaxing break from his demanding performance schedule.

In conclusion, J & J Hay can help to answer horse-health and hay related questions.

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

Why is Feeding Frequency Important in Horse Management?

Thursday, November 4th, 2021

Horses without access to feed for 12 hours were found to haveWhy is Feeding Frequency Important in Horse Management? According to historical accounts, when horses were used daily for transportation, work, and war, their caretakers would feed their charges no fewer than four times a day.

To maintain reliable performance day in and day out, caretakers knew that horses must eat frequently to sustain energy levels. Modern sport horses have entirely different demands placed on them. The work is not only less strenuous, but horses spend much less time actually engaging in the activity.

Feeding frequency affects various physiological parameters, particularly gastric and intestinal function, as well as behavior. But are these changes important to the health and welfare of the horse?

Forage Fraction

When it comes to the forage fraction of the diet, there is no question that horses should have forage available for as many hours as possible in a day. Allow access to adequate pasture. In addition, feeding hay several times throughout the day, or by offering hay free choice. Horses are offered free-choice hay. They will consume more than those offered limited amounts.  As horses consume more hay, they drink more water, so clean water should always be available when hay is offered.

Horses eat hay and concentrates at different speeds. Research has shown that it takes up to four times longer to consume the same weight of forage as it does concentrates.

In pasture situations, horses usually graze 12 to 20 hours a day. Fresh grass has an abundance of moisture (70-89% water). Therefore, more fresh forage must be eaten to achieve the same amount of dry matter intake as hay, which has much less moisture (10-15% water).

Stalled horses spend six to eight hours consuming hay when fed concentrate at more than 20% of the diet. When fed free-choice hay without concentrate, horses spent 12 to 16 hours eating hay. Specially designed feeders that slow intake of hay are useful for extending the hours that horses in stalls or drylots spend eating hay, mimicking approximately the time spent grazing. These feeders are especially useful for horses with low energy requirements like easy keepers.

Hay Availability

Is hay availability more important during the day or night? In a study on eating behavior conducted at the  University of Kentucky, horses spent more than 25% of daylight hours eating hay. Less than 15% of their nighttime hours were spent sleeping (more than 50%) between 12 a.m. and 7 a.m.

In the same study, the researchers found that frequency of feeding affected the amount of hay the horses ate.  When horses were fed eight concentrate meals per day with free-choice hay. They consumed more hay than when only fed two concentrate meals per day. If you need your horse to consume more forage, feed the concentrate in smaller, more frequent meals.

Concentrate Meals

When feeding concentrates, increasing the frequency and decreasing the quantity per meal have beneficial effects. One advantage stems from the moderation of the glycemic response to a meal, the consequences of which are currently a much-discussed topic.  Researchers at The Ohio State University fed the same quantity of a concentrate in one, two, or three meals over a 24-hour period.

Marked effects on the glycemic response to the feeding schedule were noted. The single meal produced a much higher glycemic response and consequential insulin release than the others. Interestingly enough, researchers also found that horses had a higher glycemic response to a meal in the morning. Even if horses were fed multiple meals throughout the day.  Therefore, in horses where glycemic response needs to be controlled, the smallest meal of the day should be in the morning.

The same researchers found an influence on glycemic response from the order in which the hay and grain were fed.  When hay was fed 15 minutes before the concentrate, the horses fed once per day had higher glycemic responses than when fed the concentrate 15 minutes before the hay.  This same consequence was not seen when the horses were fed two or three times per day.  Also, when concentrate was fed before the hay, horses engaged in wood-chewing more frequently.

Stereotypic Behaviors

Concentrate feeding correlated with cribbing and stereotypic behaviors.  Researchers at Auburn University have studied cribbing extensively.  They found time spent cribbing decreased with free-choice feeding of concentrate. Feed dividend into hourly meals actually increased over that of horses fed two meals a day.

Stereotypic behaviors like wood-chewing and cribbing are thought to be responses to boredom. They can also indicate of inflammation or abnormal acidity in the stomach.  Chronic cribbers have lower gastric pH than their noncribbing peers.

Antacids have a positive effect on reducing the amount of cribbing. Concentrates induce cribbing, so with cribbers it may be beneficial if fewer meals are offered in a day.  While providing adequate long-stem forage reduces occurrence, it may not eliminate the problem completely.

Number of Meals in a Day

Aside from the problems associated with elevated glycemic response, another problem with large concentrate meals centers around gastrointestinal capacity. Large meals can overwhelm the digestive capability of the small intestine. The result of which is too much grain in the hindgut to be fermented by the microbial population.

In general, when the total quantity of the concentrate is greater than 1 lb (0.5 kg) concentrate per 220 lb (100 kg) body weight (equivalent to 0.5% body weight), the concentrate should be divided into more than one meal.

Processing techniques have evolved over the last few decades that have improved digestibility of grains. Because of this, the maximum amount of concentrate recommended per feeding is more likely to be 0.65 lb (0.3 kg) per 100 kg body weight for feeds with 30-40% starch.

Meal size recommendations would be even lower for concentrates with starch contents higher than 40% or straight grains. Feeding meals with starch amounts greater than 1.1 g/kg body weight have been associated with an increased risk for the development of gastric ulcers.

Development of gastric ulcers is perhaps the worst consequence of infrequent feedings in a day.  Gastric pH as low as 2 were found for horses without access to feed for 12 hours. While the development of gastric lesions were imminent.

A drop in gastric pH often happens after feeding grain or concentrate meals. However, in a study comparing two meals per day with feeding every 90 minutes, there were no statistical differences in the pH drop from feeding.  In contrast, horses on 24-hour pasture access or fed free-choice hay were found to have more normal gastric pH of 4 to 6. As a result, once again, highlighting the advantages of constant access to forage.

Increased Feeding Frequency

Increased feeding frequency is crucial in horses with certain diseases like hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (HYPP or HPP).  Horses diagnosed with HYPP are unable to handle excessive amounts of potassium; so the smaller the meal, the less potassium absorbed at one time.

In addition to offering feed and forages with low levels of potassium, if the horse receives multiple, small meals it helps to keep from overwhelming the body at one time with potassium. This allows better controlling symptoms of the disorder.

Finding the right feeding frequency to control physiological, digestive, and behavioral issues depends on the amount of feed required to maintain the horse in good body condition.  Constant access to forage, whether it is hay or pasture, is integral to a well-rounded feeding program.  Limiting concentrate meal size controls spikes in glycemic response and avoids overpowering digestive capacities. Taken behavioral issues into consideration.

Frequent smaller meals recommended. More calories necessitate higher concentrate intake. Especially if a high starch feed is used.  Perhaps not every modern-day horse needs four meals a day like their hard-working predecessors. However, careful consideration of the factors that determine the need for more frequent meals will go a long way in optimizing the horse’s diet.

In conclusion, J & J Hay can help to answer horse-health and hay related questions.

Article Source: Kentucky Equine Research

Monitor Autumn Grazing to Prevent Laminitis in Horses

Thursday, October 14th, 2021

Monitor Autumn Grazing to Prevent Laminitis in HorsesMonitor Autumn Grazing to Prevent Laminitis in Horses: Horses are at increased risk for laminitis when grass begins to grow in the spring, providing abundant forage that is high in moisture and carbohydrates but low in fiber. Autumn is also a high-risk time for grazing horses for a somewhat different reason.

Pasture growth doesn’t look menacing to metabolic-challenged horses, with its browning color signaling the beginning of dormancy. However, this seasonal change triggers plants to produce and store carbohydrates. Waning daylight hours, cool night temperatures, overgrazing, mowing, or several dry days followed by rainfall. These examples can all lead to increased carbohydrate intake as horses graze. This overabundance of nonstructural carbohydrate (NSC) disrupts the chemistry of the horse’s digestive tract. Consequently leading to the release of endotoxins that can result in the onset of laminitis.

A second contributing factor is the rise in adrenocorticotropic hormone, or ACTH. This occurs in all horses as days get shorter and air temperatures drop. This natural change in hormone level may not be a problem for horses with normal metabolism. However, for those with a condition like Cushing’s disease or equine metabolic syndrome, higher ACTH levels can trigger increased insulin production. This rise translates into more risk for laminitis in susceptible equines.

Steps for Maintaining Health Throughout Fall Months

Kathleen Crandell, Ph.D., senior equine nutritionist at Kentucky Equine Research, suggests several steps to keep horses healthy throughout the fall months.

She recommends that horse owners should eliminate or limit fall grazing for insulin-resistant horses or those that have shown signs of laminitis in previous years. Offer low-NSC hay to provide fiber, soaking the hay if necessary to remove some of the water-soluble sugars. Has the grass reached full dormancy and the lower stems are no longer green? It’s probably safe to allow horses back into the pasture. At least until forage growth picks up in the spring.

Additionally, use a buffer such as EquiShure. It primes the hindgut for changes in diet that could lower the pH of the cecum and colon. By stabilizing the pH of the hindgut, there is a decrease in the risk of hindgut acidosis and associated disorders such as colic and laminitis.

J & J Hay can help to answer horse-health and hay related questions.

Source: Kentucky Equine Research